Thank you, Mimi and Ben
結婚的朋友 是有一點了
雖然結婚的對象 都不意外了 還是都會想問 why? what make you wanna make this decision?
目前聽到的有.... “都在一起這麼久了…” “有車有樓也沒甚麼不良嗜好…”
“家裡在催了…” “有了…” "年紀到了....."
都是很開心的事情 但 總會wondering 恩? is this reason for getting merried?
只有你 用很堅定的語氣說 “我相信我的眼光 我愛他”
Exactly, it’s the answer that I waited for.
當我看到妳 洋溢著幸福的笑容 從遠遠的那端要把妳交到Ben手上
How long have we met? 8 years? It's like, after seeing a long long movie,
knowing the ups and downs we share, knowing story behind the decisions you made,
and now, there you are, end the old chapter also begin the new one with happily ever after
so touched, warm, so happy for you, for Ben, for all your family.
Thank you, you make me believe true love isn’t just fairy tale
Because of you, for always being there for me
and tell me to believe in myself & true happiness when I lost fate in this world.
Thank you for giving me the courage and showing us it is actually there.
尤其 看到這麼木訥又不太敢跟我們說話的Ben
這麼真情流露的說出那段感謝的話 又忍不住跟著哽噎和流淚了
多麼復古的浪漫 不被任何謊言和自私的現實汙染的真心
堅定的眼神 和可以自由做自己 多麼奢華的幸福
No matter what backgrounds you have, you are the richest people I know in the world.
Also the sweetest, most virtuous.....
I have so much to learn from you
How grateful can know you in my life
謝謝牛媽媽 你是好偉大的媽媽 讓我們可以認識這麼棒的朋友
One for you, one for Ben, one for little mimi, one for little Ben
May all the merry goes around in your life
Thank you babe, it's the best and warmest touching dream wedding I've ever attended.
Although you will be far away, can't see you all the time
you will be always in my heart, will always be there for you.
Love you, be happy, always
婚禮的場地 在台中的心之芳庭 託他們的福 才可以進去平常不開放的婚宴場地
安倫倫平常就仙女了 今天是公主
能在這邊舉行婚宴 真是 太夢幻了!!!
連平常很害羞的Ben今天看到我們也笑得開心耶 多幸福!
不說在台中 會以為在國外吧!
(高醫熱舞社 不只會跳 也很正吧!!)
幾百年沒彈鋼琴 應該都忘光光了吧
喜糖是訂做M&M'S 上面還有他們的臉 誰捨得吃啊!!!!
婚紗 美呆了 Vera Wang!!!!
沒吃過這麼好吃的婚宴 第一道沙拉就好驚艷
不知道為什麼 大家再裝貴婦 把它當雞尾酒就是了
這白色的教堂 真的很像在國外
可以參加安倫倫的Wedding, 這麼漂亮的地方, 這麼感動的故事, 真的很開心